
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27606


Pricing and Payment Information

The net proceeds from the sale of generators and leads are directed to a specially designated ACVIM account and are used to fund science, educational, and charitable endeavors related to the field of veterinary cardiologyPayments are also used to cover shipping expenses, technical, and administrative assistance for this program.


We are currently charging $300.00/each for generator, lead, and other CanPacer supplies.

We also have a limited number of supplies that are free to a good home. 

Payment Instructions

All payments are made and sent directly to our payment processor, the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM). Please do NOT send any payment or payment information to NC State!

Payment by check- Please make checks payable to ACVIM, list the invoice number on the check and mail them to the address listed below:

CanPacers Payment Processing

Dept. V1551
P.O. Box 30106
Salt Lake City, UT 84130

Payment by credit card-  Please email for a secure payment link.

For clinics outside the US- Please do not send a check. Rather, request a credit card authorization form or call ACVIM for wire instructions at 800-245-9081 ext. 120. If paying by wire add $16 for wire fees.

ShippingAll shipping in the US is free. All international shipping is $50.00